With the invitation to contribute to an anthology of scary tales, Dark Mischief
The Alternative Press Exposition in San Francisco a few weeks ago, and my first Gallery show here in Fresno at the K-Jewel Gallery down town, I've been side tract for awhile on working on the final installment of Ouwanga. Now that I have finished a keynote presentation for Doug Hansen's class at FSU I'll be getting back on track soon. Picked up a small freelance gig recently as well, but I should be wrapping it up soon. In the mean time, If you're reading this, and you have liked the story so far, Help me spread the word about Ouwangalaymah. The first three are still available print on demand at indyplanet.com and if you have an iPad you can download pdfs from theillustratedsection.comOne of these days, hopefully next spring, it will be a single volume. I've poured so much of myself into Ouwangalaymah, and grown as an author/artist in the process. I hope it finds an audience.