
Sunday, January 30, 2011

Diving into #3

They say the best way to get something done is to do it! When you find yourself on a creative roll you have to maintain the momentum. Stop for a breath, but don't let the irons cool. So here I go, head long into #3. For all intents and purposes, it looks like this will be a four issue comic, so I'm half way there. My goal is to finnish All of Ouwangalaymah by October. I am seriously thinking of getting a table at APE, and having this as a single volume by then would be SWEET!
I think a strong, kid friendly title will have a good chance. I'm hoping too that perhaps at Wondercon this year I will be able to find a Publisher willing to take it on. That will depend though on what kind of deal I can find. Hope you like the cover for #3. This one is going to be the Cliff Hanger!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Files are in!

I just finished uploading the files for issue #2. I hope to have it up and available on within the next week or so. And just reminder to everyone,
Ouwangalaymah! #1 is available for download as a PDF through The Illustrated Section
for only .99¢ there are also some coloring pages available for free so be sure to check it out!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Available Soon at

Hello everyone! just a quick post to let you know what's on the horizon. Dani Jones of and @DaniDraws on Twitter, and a half billion other web presences is putting together a web site called The illustrated section. It will allow all the iPad, iphone, ipodtouch totting public as well as all Kindles, Nooks, & other ebook readers coming out on the market, to access and purchase independently produced comics like Ouwangalaymah! It will be available via PDF format on all of these! The first issue has already been transmitted to Dani, and as soon as the sight is up and running, I hope that you will help spread the word! If all goes well the site should be live by the end of the month! There will be some free coloring pages & things available too so please be sure to check it out!